I looked around, and there were fires everywhere.

My eyes started watering and my body couldn't stop shaking as I struggled to get up. I looked to the left and saw rivers of blood approaching; I looked to the right and saw motionless bodies surrounding me; I closed my eyes, opened them again, and looked up at the empty sky. For a brief moment, I wanted to fade away. I wanted the world to fade away as well.

The boys were still playing soccer together in the opposite direction.  I began moving toward them, and the closer I got, the more distant they became. I followed them until they faded into the background. "What happened?" I asked as I closed and opened my eyes several times. The children's bodies were scattered on the ground. "My name is Omar," I heard voices say. I looked around, "My name is Omar," I refused to open my eyes, "they're my friends."

"Do you want to play with us?" asked the voice again. I opened my eyes and took a good look around.  The surroundings were strangely familiar, and I found myself within four walls on a wooden bed. A voice was calling me, "Omar, come down, everyone is waiting for you; we have a mission to complete.”